Phase I Reopening – Friday, May 15! Hours of Operation, beginning May 15 will be
Wednesday-Sunday, 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Outdoor seating and curbside to go, until further notice. Changes may be made on any given day. Order curbside pick up on our home page or call 540-675-3227
We are in this together — let’s make it work!
On the Tavern’s part:
— At a minimum, we will follow guidelines issued by the Governor.
— No one with a fever or symptoms of COVID19, or known exposure to a COVID19 case in the previous 14 days, is permitted at the Tavern.
— Service will be provided outdoors only, porch and (weather permitting) patio. Bathrooms will be available for patrons.
— No parties larger than 10 will be seated together.
— Physical distancing will be observed — a minimum of six feet must be maintained between each party (group of 10 or less). We’ll do the measuring.
— Employees will wear the required face coverings in customer dining and service areas.
— Menus will be on disposable paper, discarded after one use.
— Condiments will be provided in single-use containers. Please ask for those you would like.
— Frequently-contacted surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected often, at least every 60 minutes while we’re open. This includes digital ordering devices, check folios, tabletops, and bathroom surfaces.
— We will provide signs to remind customers about some of these rules.
What’s needed from our customers:
— Do not visit if you are sick.
— Read and observe our signs.
— Follow directions from our staff. The law limits the number of seats we can use, even outside, so please wait to be directed to an available seat.
— If you must walk past a table of seated customers, do not linger.
— While waiting to use bathrooms, remain 6 feet apart.
— Please be patient. Our goal is to provide a great Griffin Tavern experience. COVID19 procedures may take a bit longer, including the need to serve those waiting their turn in their cars to pick up orders.
— If you have questions or concerns, please ask. We need to work together.
— If you order to-go, please order from your phone, and arrange to pick up your order in the parking lot.
— Call ahead if you have questions about our ability to seat you on the patio due to weather conditions
— 540-675-3227.
— Enjoy your time with us, but please be aware others may be waiting for a seat.
Our to-go, curbside service will be available, probably forever. If you love our food and drinks, but aren’t comfortable with dining on site, please call ahead (540-675-3227) or order online (griffintavern.com).
We can’t thank you enough for all the donations you’ve been making for our staff. They are a wonderful team and they are a priority — just like our customers! Please know that we’re doing everything we can to stay open, but we need customers to make that possible. Your patronage is more important now than ever, and we love you for it!